Dr. Iuliana Mihaela Lazar, außerordentliche Professorin an der Universität Bukarest, analysiert in Ihrem Beitrag „Offline and online citizen engagement activities“ aus dem Jahrbuch Weiterbildung 2023, Vor- und Nachteile von Online- und Offline-Bürgerbeteiligungsaktivitäten:
Citizen engagement is a practice that involves the community in decision making and policy-making processes. It requires online, blended or offline environments. Online and offline citizen engagement activities have several benefits but also challenges. Therefore, deep analyses to better understand the possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of offline and online citizen engagement activities are necessary. This paper presents a SWOT analysis regarding offline and online citizen engagement in facing a new initiative. Potential recommendations are formulated to improve the teaching and learning strategies for citizens’ engagement in project activities.